Keeping you safe


Chapel Place Osteopaths will re-open from the 1st of June 2020 in line with advice from the General Osteopathic Council & the Institute of Osteopathy. Along with face to face appointments we are still offering Telephone / Video consultations which can also form part of the consultation process to minimise contact time. Osteopaths are primary health practitioners and are whilst we are permitted to practice we will operate under careful infection prevention measures until the need for this is reviewed.

Our measures include:

    • Pre appointment telephone screening for Covid 19 symptoms, details of recent travel and potential exposure to those who may be a risk as a carrier or in a category of high risk if they were to contract the virus.
    • Practitioners will continue to screen themselves in the same way on a daily basis.
    • Repetition of the screening process at the start of a face-to-face consultation. Appointments may be postponed if a risk is identified.
    • All patients will be asked to thoroughly clean their hands upon arrival. High alcohol content hand sanitizer will be provided.
    • We will be wearing single use protective FFP2 face masks, glasses, aprons and gloves for all treatments which will be replaced for each treatment
    • Plastic couch covers and pillowcases are now in use. We will clean these with agents known to neutralise any possible traces of viral residue. As per normal the couch will also be covered in disposable paper sheeting. The pillow gets a double layer.
    • All surfaces and frequently touched areas such as desks, door handles and light switches will be cleaned after each appointment.
    • The treatment room will be ventilated between each treatment.

Contact information

Serenity Therapies
42 High Street
Tunbridge Wells

Chapel Place Osteopaths


General information

Opening times
Mon to Fri 8am-8pm
Sat 9am - 1pm

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